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Preak Freans New Sooper Classic Chocolate 6 Half Rolls+1 Ticky Pack Free


Product details

Preak Freans New Sooper Classic Chocolate 6 Half Rolls+1 Ticky Pack Free

Peek Freans Sooper is Pakistan’s No. 1 selling biscuit brand. Now available in two variants, Egg & Milk and Elaichi cookies, Sooper was launched in 1996. It was re-launched in 2002 in the iconic red packaging. With its luscious melt-in-your-mouth texture and balanced sweetness, Sooper has won accolades by consumers of all ages.

Ingredients: creamevery bite satisfies with rich cream encased in a robust biscuit. Wheat flourthe finest ground flour makes the base of our biscuits, whether soft and doughy, or crisp and airy. Sugarour biscuits aren’t all work and no play! the subtle sweetness of sugar delights the palate and gives a boost of energy!

Storage Condition: Store in a cool and dry place.

Nutrient Measurement Precision Approximately,Protein 5g,Carbohydrates 65g,Fat 27g,Fibre 120g

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