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Delmonte Pineapple Slices 560g


Product details

Delmonte Pineapple Slices 560g

DEL MONTE Pineapples Nature's Vitaminerals At DEL MONTE, we grow more than just delicious fruits, we grow Nature's Vitaminerals! Del Monte Pineapples are picked and packed on the same day to lock in important nutrionts. It is a sOurce of Vitamin Cand naturally high in Manganese. So add DEL MONTE Pineapples to your everyday dishes to make your family's meals more delicious and nutritious!

Dimension: Width:85mm, Height:115mm, Depth:85mm, Weight:640g

Ingredients: pineapple, clarified pineapple juice and/or water, sugar and sucralose

Energy 81 Kcal,Protein 0g,Carbohydrates 22g,Sugars 17g,Fat 0g,Fibre 1g,Sodium 10mg

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