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Bisconni Flo White Chocolate Coated Chocolate Cake 12 Packs


Product details

Bisconni Flo White Chocolate Coated Chocolate Cake 12 Packs

Bisconni Flo Chocolate Coated Chocolate Cake 12 PackThe chocolate-dipped cake is available in two different flavors, chocolate and vanilla are packed with sweet goodness that flows right through the heart into your soul.

Dimension: Width:65mm, Height:115mm, Depth:165mm, Weight:240g

Ingredients: sugar, wheat flour, hydrogenated vegetable oil, fresh eggs, dextrose, milk powder, cocoa powder, invert syrup, vegetable oil, glycerin, baking powder, i am lecithin (e-322), emulsifiers, preservative (e-202). Artificial food flavor. 43 459 Pm 1/9/2020

Storage Condition: Store in room temperature

Nutrient Measurement Precision Approximately,Energy 81.1Kcal,Protein 1.8g,Carbohydrates 7.2g,Sugars 4.4g,Fat 4.7g,Sodium 44.1mg

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